The story revolves around the central character, ROBOJIT – a humanoid.  The Robojit name has two parts: Robo and Jit. Robo because he is a robot and Jit means victory.

Although he is a humanoid, Robojit looks like a tall and handsome man. With body as tough as steel, he is capable of pounding an elephant’s head to pulp. He walks like a marching soldier but can run as fast as a cat. He has plenty of useful information stored in his memory.

In fact, he is a perfect model of power and intellect. Yet he is humble and innocent like a gentle child.

Here’s what Robojit sings about himself:

My name ROBOJIT,
I’m hard as steel;
My eyes’re always open,
As I never sleep;
I do not drink,
Nor do I eat;
So, bitter’s as good,
As is sweet;
Ginnie’s my friend,
Victor’s my pal;
Don’t know any other
Guy or gal;
I can sing, I can dance,
I can play the flute;
O! Dear sir,
Take my salute;
O! Dear sir,
Take my salute;

My name ROBOJIT…

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