Robojit and the Sand Planet – The Superhero Story Episode 5

Ma – Mother of the Forest
Robojit and the Sand Planet – The Superhero Story
Episode 5
‘O most powerful and kind-hearted emperor, I’m ready to cut off my head if that could lessen your worries even by a fraction. But all of us are helpless in front of our destiny despite being scientifically so advanced. We can only pray to God to shower His kindness upon you and give you a child as strong and wise as you are, one who could become a suitable heir to the entire Radon Empire,’ Samwel tried to console Goodhat.
However, this consolation was hardly of any use to Goodhat and couldn’t diminish his despair.
Then Samwel remarked with excitement as if he recalled something, ‘Revered king, I think this can be worked out. I know a physician who’s like a magician. I’ve seen him pull the ailing out of death’s mouth. I’ve seen lame men run after being treated by him. I’ve seen him cure the most hopeless cases. His name is Clarion, and he lives on the planet Nocter. Should you agree, we can seek his advice to get your infertility cured.’
Goodhat agreed at once.
Samwel arranged a quick digital video interaction session – a communication system that carries the speaker’s voice as well as picture to the other end – with Clarion and told him about Goodhat’s worry.
‘I would like to meet the emperor,’ said Clarion after hearing the entire case.
‘Sure, you can come without any delay,’ said Samwel. For reasons of some wave interference, teleportation was not possible from Nocter to Radon, so Samwel sent his fastest spacecraft – that flew at twenty-five thousand miles per hour – to bring Clarion to Radon.
Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 |
Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 |
Clarion came equipped with all sorts of gadgets and medicines, and his baggage looked like a complete portable medical lab. Next day, he is scheduled to meet the emperor.
‘Clarion is here, dear emperor. He would like to examine you,’ Samwel exclaimed.
‘Show him in, please,’ said the king.
Goodhat greeted the physician with a bowed head and invited him closer.
Clarion was a composed man and felt elated when the most powerful monarch of planets welcomed him with great regard. In return, he took Goodhat’s hands in his
own, kissed them, and raised them to touch his brows.
Then Clarion sat beside the monarch’s throne on an elevated seat specially prepared for him.
‘If you permit me, O great king, I want to start the examination,’ said Clarion.
‘Yes, please go ahead,’ said Goodhat eagerly.
Then Clarion looked into Goodhat’s eyes. He felt his pulse by pressing his wrist between his thumb and forefinger for a few seconds. He touched his forehead. He checked the color of his nails. Thus, the examination went on for a few
more moments.
Finally, Clarion said, ‘O worthy king, your ailment is really severe. There are certain germs in your body that have killed your fertility.’
‘Then, can’t it be cured?’ Goodhat expressed his anxiety.
‘There’s a remote possibility. Give me a couple of days’ time to consult my medical e-books and intelligent databases before I make any prescription.’
‘O venerable sir, you may take your time, as I see a ray of hope,’ said Goodhat. ‘I’ll wait for your return with your prescription.’
With these words, Goodhat saw the physician off. He was arranged to stay at the guest palace.
The story continues…
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