Robojit and the Sand Planet – The Superhero Story Episode 6

Whopnut – Security Head of Sand Planet
Robojit and the Sand Planet – The Superhero Story
Episode 6
Clarion spent two days and two nights sifting through the pages of his electronic books to find a remedy suitable for the king. No success. Then he consulted his remote information repositories by virtually linking back at his sanatorium on Nocter.
When the symptoms of the king’s disease matched, he culled out the prescription
from the database. Once again, Clarion appeared before the king, who was escorted by Samwel.
After exchanging pleasantries, all of them settled down on their seats. Goodhat could make out from the glow on Clarion’s face that he has been successful in finding a suitable remedy for him.
‘Dear Clarion, I presume you’ve gathered the necessary information to treat my disease. Am I right?’ queried the king.
‘Yes, you are.’ Clarion replied with a smiling face. ‘I’ve diagnosed your ailment and written the prescription for you.’ With these words, he handed over a piece of paper to Samwel to arrange for certain ingredients for preparing the medicine.
Soon, all the prescribed constituents were brought before Clarion. They comprised a variety of aniseed plucked from the higher reaches of the surrounding mountains. Yellow turmeric seeds, raw cashew nuts, green almonds, and many herbs were part of the raw material.
Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 |
Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 |
He crushed them all and mixed some fresh honey to make a thick paste. Then he filled this paste in seven different vials. He advised the king to consume the contents of one vial at a time on seven consecutive full-moon nights.
‘After that the queen would conceive,’ declared Clarion. ‘The rest we’ve to leave in God’s hands, who we believe is the Almighty.’
Words of hope brought a twinkle of rejoice in Goodhat’s eyes. He thanked the physician and gratefully hosted him in his guest palace for a few days. And when Clarion bade his farewell, the king gave him plenty of gifts and cash that he deserved. The king also thanked Samwel for the help he extended in inviting the physician.
Later, Goodhat went to his queen’s palace and narrated to her everything that had happened – the physician’s visit, his prescription, and the medicine that he prepared to cure the king’s infertility.
Vilexi, the queen, was a tall figure as beautiful as one could imagine. She had an innocent, smiling face with big, dark eyes, sharp nose, and rosy lips; she looked much younger than Goodhat.
She smiled and said, ‘O dear husband, I wish this medicine would work. We’ve tried many such treatments in the past. Have offered many prayers to the Almighty. Have performed all types of worships. Have offered feasts to the holy men. But all our prayers have gone unheard.’
‘You’re right, Vilexi. But let’s once again put our destiny in His hands and follow Clarion’s instructions, as we hardly have any other option.’
Vilexi agreed with a gentle nod, and they waited for the full-moon night. When it came, both did what the physician had advised. Soon seven such nights passed. This was the time when both the king and the queen waited anxiously for the outcome.
This time their efforts bore fruit and they had reason to rejoice. The queen had conceived just as Clarion had proclaimed. The king and the queen congratulated each other. Goodhat also conveyed the news to Samwel, who had been instrumental in bringing about this moment of happiness.
Samwel arranged a small celebration in which all the other counselors were invited. Goodhat’s friends from other planets also took part in the festivity, and they all congratulated the couple.
The story continues…
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